preface from the managing Director
Our employees, our suppliers and our customers are all important to the success of our business.
Our employees are the lifeblood of our business and are key to its continued success. Without them we would not be where we are today.
My grateful thanks go to all colleagues for their continued hard work, dedication, commitment, and support, and I look forward to working with them during the coming year.
Our Values
Our values sum up what Westons stands for, what makes us special and what we value most: Integrity, Quality and Respect.

Our three core values of integrity, quality and respect relate to how we work together as a team, our products and how we work with our suppliers and customers.
On joining Westons all colleagues commit themselves to these common values which govern the way we should behave towards each other, our customers, our suppliers and how we go about our work.
The gender pay gap shows the difference in the average pay between men and women in a workforce.
There are six calculations as follows:
- Mean gender pay in hourly pay – the percentage difference between the mean average hourly rates of men and women’s pay.
- Median gender pay gap in hourly pay – the percentage difference between the midpoints in the ranges of men and women’s pay.
- Mean bonus gender pay gap
- Median bonus gender pay gap
- Proportion of men and women receiving a bonus payment
- Proportion of men and women in each pay quartile – calculated by dividing employees into four even groups according to their pay. The upper quartile with the highest level of pay and the lower quartile with the lowest levels of pay.
gender pay gap as of 5th april 2022
As an employer with 250 or more employees, we have a duty under the Equality Act 2010 Regulations 2017 to publish gender pay gap information relating to our employees. We must publish this information on our external website and a dedicated Government website: gender-pay-gap.service.gov.uk.
All staff who were deemed to be full pay relevant employees on 5th April 2022 are included.
mean gender pay
The Mean gender pay gap is -0.03%
median hourly pay
In this organisation, women earn £1.12 for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly pay. Their median hourly pay is 12.5% higher than men’s.
Our median gender pay gap is -12.5%
(The median hourly pay gap is 12.5% higher for females than men)
Our median gender bonus gap is 14.5%
bonus pay gap
In this organisation, women earn 86p for every £1 that men earn when comparing median bonus pay. Their median bonus pay is 14.5% lower than men’s.
The Mean gender bonus gap is 14.6%
When comparing mean (average) bonus pay, women’s mean bonus pay is 14.6% lower than men’s. When analysing the data, this difference is due to a higher percentage of men in senior positions.
100% of men and women received a Company bonus payment.
In this organisation females occupy 24% of the lowest paid jobs and 29% of the highest paid jobs.
- Include a fair representation of men and women in shortlists for recruitment and promotions
- Encourage the uptake of shared parental leave
- Offer a mentoring programme
- Set internal targets
- Unconscious bias training
- Diversity training
- Promoting and supporting our staff networks so that they can continue to develop and grow
We are pleased with the work which has been done in embedding the importance of equality and inclusion across our organisation. We will continue to work hard to promote our organisation as an inclusive employer to our communities, supporting the 50 Mile Project in order to continue improving the diversity of our workforce, but also to promote H. Westons & Sons Ltd as an Employer of Choice.
Mean and median
The mean is the sum of all the numbers in the set, divided by the number of numbers in the set. The mean can be skewed by a small number of larger salaries in an organisation.
The median is the middle point of a number set (when arranged in number order) in which half the numbers are above the median and half are below. The median represents distribution of women throughout the salary bands of an organisation, and is the metric used by the ONS to describe the UK’s gender pay gap.
Pay gap and equal pay
The gender pay gap is different to equal pay. The gender pay gap is the difference in average hourly earnings between all women and all men across an organisation. It is based on hourly rates paid directly to employees before tax and national insurance contributions are deducted. If, for example, women do more of the lower paid jobs within an organisation than men, the gender pay gap is usually bigger. Equal pay is the difference in pay for men and women who carry out the same or similar job or work of equal value. Since 1970 it has been unlawful to pay people unequally because they are a man or woman.
Ordinary pay
Ordinary pay includes basic pay, allowances, pay for piecework, pay for leave and shift premium pay. (Ordinary pay does not include overtime pay; allowances earned during paid overtime hours; redundancy pay; pay related to termination of employment; pay in lieu of annual leave; any repayments of authorised expenses; benefits in kind; interest-free loans)
Pay quartiles
Quartiles are values that divide data into quarters. When the pay data is organised sequentially, it is then divided into quarters: the lowest 25% of numbers (lower quartile); the next lowest 25% of numbers, up to the median (lower middle quartile); the second highest 25% of numbers, above the median (upper middle quartile); and the highest 25% of numbers (upper quartile). Pay quartiles are calculated by hourly pay rates rather than organisation-specific pay bands or grades.
Hourly pay
The gender pay gap is based on hourly pay excluding overtime. This enables employers to consider the gender pay gap across the workforce as a whole. Hourly pay is the sum of ordinary pay and additional allowances that were paid in the pay period which ends on the snapshot date (5th April 2022). This means part-time workers are measured like-for-like on hourly pay against full-time workers.
We encourage development training at all levels across the business so that any employee is suitably skilled and qualified to be promoted as and when opportunities arise.

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